The Sustainable Land Initiative (SLI) is a collaborative program between farmers, Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs), and universities that is aimed at hastening the California agricultural industry’s adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change on the environment. One aspect of the program involves removing the various barriers that local farmers face during the adoption process of CSA practices, including a lack of outreach and education. To help tackle this obstacle, our senior project team has developed infographics on three different CSA practices with two main objectives: educate growers on the benefits of the techniques, and encourage growers to implement the techniques on their farms.
Our project decisions were driven by our goals of heightened user engagement levels and ultimately, our infographic’s ability to compel users. Research into effective methods for communicating climate-smart agriculture practices to farmers indicates that “an increased time spent looking at …infographics is positively related to knowledge, while better knowledge in turn is positively associated with a stated higher intention to adopt climate action measures” (Laepple, 2022, p. 17). To produce a set of infographics that won’t be glanced through without interest or skipped over altogether, we utilized design principles that capture and keep the user’s attention and promote readability. We also implemented design choices that resonate with our target audience of local growers.
Infographic 1: Cover Crops Benefits


Infographic 2: Compost Benefits


Infographic 3: Hedgerows Benefits


The production of each infographic started with a brainstorming session where we collaborated with our clients to discuss layout and information visualization techniques. They provided us with both synthesized research data for the infographics and their expert insights on sustainable farming practices.

Iterations and Revisions

Drafts of the infographic were submitted to the client for review and feedback at weekly meetings. This revision process was crucial to the creation of an impactful final product.

For more information about the Sustainable Land Initiative and our project, visit: